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YoMOGRT is born!


every THING was once only an IDEA.

A long dormant idea sat waiting.  The domain purchased years ago, but action was dormant.  MOGRTs were a great idea, and I had made intricate designs for the companies that employed me, but the motivation to actually build the site was dormant.  When I saw that Adobe added media replacement as a MOGRT option in Adobe Premiere, the fire was relit.  The possibilities are endless – but only if acted upon.

However, it is not enough to simply foist my creations onto the world.  I seek cohorts in creation to manifest their MOGRTs into this market, and fill this community with elegant designs and innovate works.

Leave a comment and join the YoMOGRT collective!

YoMOGRT was born on 4-3-21

when did you join?